Speaking Skills X

授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
250202 (2a) 国際英語学科 前期 3 2 T.McDonough

Presentation Workshop

We will create PowerPoint presentations and show them to the class. We have one presentation each month. The topics for presentation will depend on student interests but may include:
Weddings of the World
Festivals of the World
Famous People-life stories
Sightseeing guide of a city
Holidays of the world
Health and Beauty Advice
Food of the world

We will repeat the following cycle 4 or 5 times during the term.
We will work in groups of two to produce the presentations.

Week One. We will spend research and write a script for a PowerPoint Presentation.
Week Two. We will check our English and practice pronunciation of the script.
Week Three. We will make our PowerPoint slides.
Week Four. We will present our original PowerPoint presentation to the class.

This schedule will be repeated for each topic.

Grading is based on how well you try on your production of the PowerPoint presentations. Your effort in class, every class, is very important. Students who give presentations late or are absent will be given low grades. Attendance every week is vital.


You must come to every class. This is teamwork so you need to think about your team.